ACT – Autism Community Training
ACT – Autism Community Training specializes in evidence-informed training, research, and resources to support neurodivergent individuals. In addition, ACT provides an information portal, the Autism & Intellectual Disability (AID) Search, with over 3,000 resources.
ADHD Advocacy Society of BC
The ADHD Advocacy Society of BC brings awareness about what ADHD is and what it is not. The Society connects with local government leaders and organizations to create awareness about the lack of services for ADHDers and to provide insight as to how the ADHD community can be better supported.
Autism Support Network
The Autism Support Network is an organization of families and professionals educating and supporting families about Applied Behaviour Analysis and its application as a treatment for autism. The Autism Support Network builds networks so families can connect with one another.
AutismBC supports autistic individuals by providing parents and communities with knowledge and by engaging with people on the autism spectrum to create stronger, more diverse communities. AutismBC encourages the inclusion and acceptance of the entire autism community.
BC Association for Behaviour Analysis
The BC Association for Behaviour Analysis works to increase equitable opportunities for individuals to study, practice, and receive behaviour analytic services. The BC-ABA is a source of support, learning, and advocacy for those practicing in behaviour analysis.
BC Family Hearing Resource Society
The BC Family Hearing Resource Society provides comprehensive early intervention services to Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and families in Western Canada. Services from an expert team include family centred support, a bilingual childcare (American Sign Language and English) and personalized culturally sensitive intervention plans for cognitive-language and literacy development.
BC Prader-Willi Syndrome Association
BCPWSA is a non-profit charity that provides an understanding and awareness of Prader-Willi Syndrome by supporting those who have the syndrome, their families, and all those who come in contact with PWS.
Canadian Deafblind Association – BC Chapter
The Canadian Deafblind Association - BC Chapter is a registered not-for-profit organization that is committed to assisting all individuals in BC who are deafblind to achieve, with Intervention, the best quality of life. CDBA-BC believes that individualized lifelong Intervention is a right for every person who is deafblind and that all individuals who are deafblind should live in a safe, healthy environment and have the self-respect and dignity due every Canadian. CDBA-BC also aims to promote awareness and recognition of Intervention and deafblindness as a unique disability.
Children's Autism Federation of BC
The Children’s Autism Federation of BC focuses on advocacy and support for a service delivery model that truly encompasses the needs of all children by holding the government accountable for policy decisions. The CAFBC also supports families throughout their pre to post-diagnosis journey.
Children's Hearing & Speech Centre of BC
Children's Hearing & Speech Centre of BC (CHSC), founded in 1963, is a dedicated clinical and educational centre with a primary focus on providing listening and spoken language therapy to children with hearing loss. Our mission is to equip these children with the necessary skills and confidence to reach their utmost potential.
Deaf Children's Society of BC
The Deaf Children's Society of BC promotes awareness, understanding, and inclusivity for deaf, hard-of-hearing, deafblind children, and children of deaf adults (CODA) to ensure that all children acquire the cultural knowledge, identity, opportunity, and power to lead their lives.
Down Syndrome Resource Foundation
The Down Syndrome Resource Foundation supports people living with Down syndrome and their families with individualized and leading-edge educational programs, health services, information resources, and rich social connections so each person can flourish in their own right. Our vision is a Canada that values and empowers people with Down syndrome, fostering economic, social, and individual inclusion throughout their lives.
Dyslexia BC
Dyslexia BC advocates for systemic changes, including universal dyslexia screening across BC from kindergarten, a shift toward a science-based reading curriculum, free and timely dyslexia diagnosis, and improved access to technology and resources for dyslexic individuals.
Family Network for Deaf Children and Deaf Youth Today
The Family Network for Deaf Children and Deaf Youth Today is a parent run, non-profit, charitable organization supporting families with deaf and hard-of-hearing children & youth that use sign language or are interested in learning sign language.
Family Support Institute of BC
The Family Support Institute of BC is a volunteer-powered network that provides peer-to-peer support, information, events and training and community. The FSI is a provincial non-profit society committed to supporting families who have a family member with a disability
Inspire Kids FASD Support Society of BC
The Inspire Kids FASD Support Society of BC embraces and empowers families navigating the unique journey of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and makes an impact in the lives of children and youth with FASD. Inspire Kids recognizes diverse family structures and stands with all parents and caregivers.
Physiotherapy Association of BC
The Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia (PABC) champions the physiotherapy profession through advocacy, continuing education, and fostering excellence in practice. PABC is dedicated to optimizing health and movement, promoting member engagement, cultural safety, and systemic healthcare changes. It aims to inspire healthy lifestyles while ensuring culturally safe and inclusive environments.
Reach Child and Youth Development Society
The Reach Child and Youth Development Society offers programs and services meeting the needs of children to ensure their optimum development. Reach is family-centered and is responsive to the needs of the children and families in Delta, Surrey and Langley, B.C.
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